Personal Training



reVamp® Personal Training

reVamp is a personalized total-health and lifestyle program that represents the Hoebel body-mind approach. The program consists of three Phases; each phase is 5-weeks and gets progressively more advanced. Creator Brett Hoebel, spent over a decade researching different cutting-edge health and fitness modalities and combined them into the reVamp Training System which integrates personal training, nutrition and weight management, fitness assessment, and individualized program design. Martial arts, yoga, and restorative spa treatments are also part of reVamp which help to create a yin and yang balance.

Phase I – Base Conditioning: the focus is on creating a strong fitness foundation and proper nutritional habits that fit into the participant’s current lifestyle.

Phase II – Strength Training: each participant is challenged with more advanced exercises and is coached on how to keep integrating their new lifestyle into their daily routine, while building stronger and leaner muscles.

Phase III – Energy System Training: the intensity revs up in this final phase as participants strive to accomplish more goals and are coached on how to maintain the life-long training and nutritional habits they have built.

reVamp is not just a program, it’s a platform for the individual to activate, educate, and motivate themselves to have a more mindful and healthy life.

Click the PDF icon in the left side bar to view a brochure with detailed information about reVamp.