Thank you very much for visiting our website and signing up to receive a Newsletter. You should be receiving an email confirmation. If you do not receive it within a reasonable amount of time, please check your spam filters to ensure you are allowing emails from “your email address here.”
To ensure that our email reaches your Inbox, and is not deleted or moved to your Junk Mail folder, add our email address “Your Email Address Here” to your safe sender list by following the directions below.
If your email provider is not listed here, contact your email host and ask them how you can white list email addresses so you will get our special announcement and tip emails.
Yahoo Mail
To create a filter that sends our emails to your Inbox:
- Login to Yahoo Mail.
- Click on “Mail Options” (on the right hand side of the screen).
- Click on “Filters” (on left hand side of the screen).
- Click “Add” button.
- Assign a name for this filter: “Your Sites Name”.
- Underneath the heading “if all of the following rules are true�” go to the top row labeled “FROM header.” Next to this you will see a drop down menu. Make sure to select “contains”, then simply type in our email address “Your Email Address Here” into the box provided.
- At the bottom, where it says “Move the message to:”, select “Inbox” from the drop-down menu.
- Click the “Add Filter” button at the bottom to add this filter.
MSN Hotmail
To add our email address to your “Safe List”:
- Login to your Hotmail or MSN Mail account.
- Click on “Options.”
- Click “Junk Mail Protection”.
- Click on “Safe List.”
- In the box provided, type in our domain.
- Click the “Add” button.
- When you see the address you entered in the Safe List box, click on the “OK” button.
To add our email address to your “Contacts List”:
- Login to your Hotmail of MSN Mail account.
- Click on “Contacts” folder.
- In the new screen which opens, click “New” (upper left corner).
- Assign a Quickname in the left hand box.
- Enter our email address “Your Email Address Here” into the “Online Addresses” area.
AOL Mail
To add our email address to your Address Book or Custom Sender List:
AOL 9.0:
- Click the “Spam Controls” link (lower right area of your inbox).
- When the “Mail & Spam Controls” box appears, click “Custom sender list”.
- Choose “allow email from” option
- Add the domain/email address you would like to receive mail from.
- Click “Add”, then click “Save”.
AOL 7 & 8:
- Go to Keyword Mail Controls.
- Select the screen name you are using to receive email.
- Click “Customize Mail Controls For This Screen Name.”
- Allow/Included
- For AOL version 7.0: In the section for “exclusion and inclusion parameters”, include the following domain: * Your Domain Name Here
- For AOL version 8.0: Select “Allow email from all AOL members, email addresses and domains.”
- Click on “Next” until the “Save” button shows up at the bottom.
- Click “Save.”
Outlook 2003 Mail
To make sure you can see emails as they were intended to be seen (including images), add our email address “Your Email Address Here” to your address book and safe sender list.
To add our email address to your address book:
- Right click on the email subject line.
- Choose “Add Sender To Address Book”.
To add our domain to your safe sender list:
- Right click on a non-displaying image in an HTML email.
- Choose “Add the domain to the safe sender list” option.